Friday, November 10, 2006


pier15.jpgPicture 4.pngnightlightsmall.jpgTTMHHBW.jpgjaimesandrj.jpgTTMHHBW.jpg
photos courtesy of Richard Renaldi

We scanned proposals from our kits and put them up on Flickr! Check it out here!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Things That Might Have Happened Tour Video

Things That Might Have Happened is a collaborative project by RJ Supa and Jaimes Mayhew that investigates the area surrounding the Christopher Street Pier in New York City.
This video includes interviews with people we met on the pier, proposals for the pier and the surrounding areas, and photos. We made over 20 proposals for the area surrounding the piers, which we drew on transparency paper and included in our tour kits along with an audio cd. The photos that are underneath the transparency proposal drawings serve as a map to find these specific areas in and around the Christopher Street Pier.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The piers near the West Village have had a great significance in the history of the GLBTQQ community. From the boom of the Gay Liberation movement in the late sixties to the renovation of the pier in the mid-nineties, to now, this space has always been a place that has been used primarily by certain sectors of GLBTQQ people. In more recent years, the pier and the immediate area around it have become a contested space, pitting the people who hang out at it and the people who live near it against each other. TTMHH will provide a tour of things that may have happened with this space, and will make proposals for use of the piers at present through a historical perspective.
Through images that are juxtaposed over the space at the speculation on what could have happened at the Christopher Street Piers from the angle of the various groups that have affected the history and use of this space. Who controls, or gains control of public space? How have the piers changed? Why? And When?